Text Templates in Prolog
Prolog offers string manipulation capabilities that can be used to create dynamic content or show customized output to the user. While Prolog doesn’t have built-in template support like some other languages, we can implement similar functionality using Prolog’s string operations and list processing.
:- use_module(library(format)).
main :-
% We can create a simple template by using a string with placeholders
Template1 = "Value is ~w~n",
% We can "execute" the template by using the format predicate
format(Template1, ["some text"]),
format(Template1, [5]),
format(Template1, [["Prolog", "Erlang", "Haskell", "Lisp"]]),
% For structured data, we can use compound terms
Template2 = "Name: ~w~n",
format(Template2, ["Jane Doe"]),
% We can use a key-value list to simulate a map
format(Template2, ["Mickey Mouse"]),
% Conditional execution can be achieved using Prolog's if-then-else construct
Template3 = "~w~n",
( "" \= []
-> format(Template3, ["yes"])
; format(Template3, ["no"])
( [] \= []
-> format(Template3, ["yes"])
; format(Template3, ["no"])
% We can use recursion to process lists, similar to a range block
Template4 = "Range: ",
print_list(["Prolog", "Erlang", "Haskell", "Lisp"]).
% Helper predicate to print list elements
print_list([]) :- nl.
print_list([H|T]) :-
format("~w ", [H]),
In this Prolog implementation:
We use the
predicate to simulate template execution. The first argument is the template string, and the second is a list of values to be inserted into the template.Placeholders in the template are represented by
, which will be replaced by the corresponding value from the list.For structured data, we can use Prolog’s compound terms or key-value lists to represent objects or maps.
Conditional execution is achieved using Prolog’s if-then-else construct
(Condition -> ThenClause ; ElseClause)
.To process lists (similar to a range block), we use recursion with the
To run the program, save it as templates.pl
and use the Prolog interpreter:
$ swipl -s templates.pl -g main -t halt
Value is some text
Value is 5
Value is [Prolog,Erlang,Haskell,Lisp]
Name: Jane Doe
Name: Mickey Mouse
Range: Prolog Erlang Haskell Lisp
This example demonstrates how to achieve similar functionality to text templates in Prolog, even though the language doesn’t have a built-in template system. The approach uses Prolog’s string formatting and list processing capabilities to create dynamic content.