For in PureScript

PureScript uses recursive functions and higher-order functions for iteration instead of traditional for loops. Here are some ways to achieve similar functionality:

module Main where

import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  -- The most basic type, with a single condition
  let loop1 i = 
        if i <= 3
        then do
          log $ show i
          loop1 (i + 1)
        else pure unit
  loop1 1

  -- A classic initial/condition/after loop
  let loop2 j = 
        if j < 3
        then do
          log $ show j
          loop2 (j + 1)
        else pure unit
  loop2 0

  -- Using `range` to iterate N times
  traverse_ (\i -> log $ "range " <> show i) (0 .. 2)

  -- Infinite loop with break
  let infiniteLoop = do
        log "loop"
        pure unit  -- In PureScript, we use `pure unit` instead of `break`

  -- Using `filter` and `traverse_` to skip even numbers
  traverse_ (\n -> log $ show n) $ filter (\n -> n `mod` 2 /= 0) (0 .. 5)

To run this program, you would typically compile it with the PureScript compiler and then run it with Node.js:

$ pulp run
range 0
range 1
range 2

In PureScript:

  1. We use recursive functions to simulate loops with conditions.
  2. The traverse_ function is used to iterate over arrays and perform side effects.
  3. The range operator (..) is used to create arrays of numbers.
  4. There’s no direct equivalent to break in PureScript. Instead, we control the flow with recursive calls and conditionals.
  5. We use filter to skip elements in a sequence, similar to using continue in imperative languages.

PureScript’s functional approach to iteration can lead to more declarative and potentially safer code, as it avoids mutable state often associated with traditional for loops.