Here’s the translation of the Go rate limiting example to PureScript:
This PureScript code implements rate limiting using the Effect.Aff module for asynchronous effects and Effect.Aff.AVar for synchronization. Here’s a breakdown of the translation:
We use AVar instead of channels for communication between concurrent processes.
The time.Tick function is replaced with a recursive function that uses delay to simulate ticking.
Goroutines are replaced with parallel computations using the parallel and sequential functions from Control.Parallel.
The fmt.Println calls are replaced with log from Effect.Console.
We use nowDateTime from Effect.Now to get the current time.
The structure and logic of the rate limiting remain the same:
We first demonstrate basic rate limiting, processing one request every 200 milliseconds.
Then we show a bursty rate limiter that allows up to 3 requests to be processed immediately, while maintaining the overall rate limit.
To run this program, you would need to compile it with the PureScript compiler and then execute it. The output would be similar to the Go version, showing the timing of each request being processed.
This implementation showcases PureScript’s approach to concurrency and asynchronous programming, utilizing its strong type system and pure functional paradigm while achieving the same rate limiting behavior as the original Go code.