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module Main where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Data.Array (length, slice, updateAt, concat, zipWith)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
-- Unlike arrays, lists in PureScript are homogeneous but don't have a fixed length.
-- An empty list is represented as [].
let s = [] :: Array String
log $ "uninit: " <> show s <> " " <> show (s == []) <> " " <> show (length s == 0)
-- To create an array with a specific length, we can use replicate
let s' = replicate 3 ""
log $ "emp: " <> show s' <> " len: " <> show (length s')
-- We can set and get elements just like with arrays
let s'' = fromMaybe s' $ updateAt 0 "a" s'
let s''' = fromMaybe s'' $ updateAt 1 "b" s''
let s'''' = fromMaybe s''' $ updateAt 2 "c" s'''
log $ "set: " <> show s''''
log $ "get: " <> show (s'''' !! 2)
-- length returns the length of the array as expected
log $ "len: " <> show (length s'''')
-- We can use concat to append elements to an array
let s''''' = concat [s'''', ["d"]]
let s'''''' = concat [s''''', ["e", "f"]]
log $ "apd: " <> show s''''''
-- Arrays can be copied using the spread operator
let c = s''''''
log $ "cpy: " <> show c
-- Arrays support slicing with the slice function
log $ "sl1: " <> show (slice 2 5 s'''''')
log $ "sl2: " <> show (slice 0 5 s'''''')
log $ "sl3: " <> show (slice 2 (length s'''''') s'''''')
-- We can declare and initialize an array in a single line
let t = ["g", "h", "i"]
log $ "dcl: " <> show t
-- PureScript doesn't have a built-in equality check for arrays,
-- but we can implement one
let t2 = ["g", "h", "i"]
log $ if t == t2 then "t == t2" else "t != t2"
-- Arrays can be composed into multi-dimensional data structures
let twoD = [ [0]
, [1, 2]
, [2, 3, 4]
log $ "2d: " <> show twoD
-- Helper function to replicate an element n times
replicate :: forall a. Int -> a -> Array a
replicate n x = map (const x) (0 .. (n - 1))
-- Helper function to create a range of integers
(..) :: Int -> Int -> Array Int
(..) start end = go start where
go i | i > end = []
| otherwise = i : go (i + 1)
-- Helper function for array indexing
(!!) :: forall a. Array a -> Int -> Maybe a
(!!) arr i = arr !! i
This PureScript code demonstrates concepts similar to Go’s slices, using PureScript’s arrays. Here are some key differences and notes:
for dynamic-sized, homogeneous collections, which is similar to Go’s slices.make
function for arrays. Instead, we use a custom replicate
function to create an array of a specific length.append
operation in PureScript is achieved using the concat
for updating specific indices in an array, which returns a Maybe
operator in PureScript performs structural equality check for arrays, so we don’t need a separate Equal
function.This example showcases how to work with arrays in PureScript, covering initialization, manipulation, and common operations, mirroring the concepts presented in the original Go example for slices.