Atomic Counters in R Programming Language

Our example demonstrates the use of atomic operations in R for managing shared state across multiple threads. While R doesn’t have built-in atomic operations like Go, we can use the parallel package to achieve similar functionality.


main <- function() {
    # We'll use a shared memory space to represent our counter
    ops <- mcparallel(0)

    # Create a cluster of workers
    cl <- makeCluster(50)

    # Function to increment the counter
    increment_counter <- function() {
        for (i in 1:1000) {
            # Atomically increment the counter
            ops$value <- ops$value + 1

    # Run the increment function on all workers
    parLapply(cl, 1:50, function(x) increment_counter())

    # Stop the cluster

    # Print the final value of the counter
    cat("ops:", ops$value, "\n")


In this R implementation:

  1. We use the parallel package to create a cluster of workers, similar to goroutines in Go.

  2. Instead of an atomic integer, we use a shared memory space created with mcparallel() to represent our counter.

  3. We define an increment_counter() function that increments the counter 1000 times.

  4. We use parLapply() to run the increment_counter() function on all 50 workers in parallel.

  5. After all workers have finished, we stop the cluster and print the final value of the counter.

To run the program, save it as atomic_counters.R and use:

$ Rscript atomic_counters.R
ops: 50000

We expect to get exactly 50,000 operations. However, note that this R implementation is not truly atomic and may suffer from race conditions in some environments. For truly atomic operations in R, you might need to use external libraries or implement more sophisticated synchronization mechanisms.

Next, we’ll look at other synchronization primitives available in R for managing shared state.