Channel Synchronization in R Programming Language

Our example demonstrates how to use channels for synchronization between different parts of a program. In R, we’ll use a similar concept with the parallel package and its mcparallel and mccollect functions.


# This is the function we'll run in a separate process. The
# result will be used to notify the main process that this
# function's work is done.
worker <- function() {

# Start a worker process
job <- mcparallel(worker())

# Block until we receive a notification from the worker process
result <- mccollect(job)

# Check if the worker completed successfully
if (result[[1]]) {
  cat("Worker completed successfully\n")

To run the program:



Worker completed successfully

In this R implementation:

  1. We define a worker function that simulates some work by printing “working…”, sleeping for a second, and then printing “done”.

  2. We use mcparallel to start the worker function in a separate process. This is similar to starting a goroutine in the original example.

  3. We use mccollect to wait for the worker process to complete and collect its result. This blocks the main process until the worker is done, similar to the channel receive in the original example.

  4. Finally, we check if the worker completed successfully by examining the collected result.

If you removed the mccollect line from this program, the program would exit before the worker even finished, similar to the behavior described in the original example.

Note that R’s parallel processing model is different from Go’s goroutines, but this example demonstrates a similar concept of synchronization between concurrent operations.