Generics in R Programming Language

# As an example of a generic function, `slices_index` takes
# a vector of any type and an element of that type and returns
# the index of the first occurrence of v in s, or -1 if not present.
# Note that R doesn't have built-in generics like Go, so we use
# base R functions to achieve similar functionality.

slices_index <- function(s, v) {
  index <- match(v, s)
  if ( {
  return(index - 1)  # R uses 1-based indexing, so we subtract 1 to match Go's 0-based indexing

# As an example of a generic type, we'll create a simple
# linked list structure using R's reference classes.
# This is not idiomatic R, but it demonstrates the concept.

List <- setRefClass("List",
  fields = list(
    head = "ANY",
    tail = "ANY"
  methods = list(
    push = function(v) {
      new_element <- list(val = v, next = NULL)
      if (is.null(tail)) {
        head <<- new_element
        tail <<- head
      } else {
        tail$next <<- new_element
        tail <<- tail$next
    all_elements = function() {
      elements <- c()
      current <- head
      while (!is.null(current)) {
        elements <- c(elements, current$val)
        current <- current$next

# Main function to demonstrate usage
main <- function() {
  s <- c("foo", "bar", "zoo")
  # When calling slices_index, we don't need to specify types
  # as R is dynamically typed
  cat("index of zoo:", slices_index(s, "zoo"), "\n")
  lst <- List$new()
  cat("list:", paste(lst$all_elements(), collapse = " "), "\n")

# Run the main function

This R code provides an equivalent implementation of the Go generics example. Here are some key points about the translation:

  1. R doesn’t have built-in generics like Go, so we’ve used base R functions to achieve similar functionality in the slices_index function.

  2. For the List type, we’ve used R’s reference classes to create a similar structure. This is not idiomatic R (which typically uses vectors or lists for such operations), but it demonstrates how you might implement a linked list in R.

  3. R is dynamically typed, so we don’t need to specify types explicitly as in Go. This means we don’t need type parameters in our function definitions.

  4. R uses 1-based indexing, so we adjusted the slices_index function to return indices that match Go’s 0-based indexing.

  5. We’ve wrapped the main code in a main() function to mimic the structure of the Go code, although this isn’t necessary in R.

To run this code, you would typically save it to a file (e.g., generics.R) and then run it using an R interpreter:

$ Rscript generics.R
index of zoo: 2 
list: 10 13 23

This example demonstrates how to implement generic-like functionality in R, even though R doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s generics. It shows how to work with functions that can operate on different types and how to create custom data structures in R.