Number Parsing in R Programming Language

Number parsing is a basic but common task in many programs. Here’s how to do it in R.

# In R, we don't need to import any special libraries for number parsing
# as these functions are available in base R.

# Parsing float
f <- as.numeric("1.234")

# Parsing integer
i <- as.integer("123")

# Parsing hexadecimal
d <- strtoi("0x1c8", base = 16)

# Parsing unsigned integer (R doesn't have unsigned integers, so we use regular integers)
u <- as.integer("789")

# Parsing integer (equivalent to Atoi in Go)
k <- as.integer("135")

# Handling parsing errors
  x <- as.integer("wat")
}, error = function(e) {
  print(paste("Error:", e$message))

In R, we use built-in functions for number parsing. Here’s a breakdown of the conversions:

  • as.numeric() is used to parse floating-point numbers.
  • as.integer() is used to parse integers.
  • strtoi() with a base argument can be used to parse numbers in different bases, including hexadecimal.

R doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s ParseUint, as R doesn’t have unsigned integers. We use regular integers instead.

For error handling, R uses tryCatch() to catch and handle errors that might occur during parsing.

To run this R script, save it to a file (e.g., number_parsing.R) and run it using the R interpreter:

$ Rscript number_parsing.R
[1] 1.234
[1] 123
[1] 456
[1] 789
[1] 135
[1] "Error: invalid 'x' argument"

This demonstrates basic number parsing in R, including handling of floating-point numbers, integers, and hexadecimal values, as well as error handling for invalid input.