Values in R Programming Language

R has various value types including strings, integers, floats, booleans, etc. Here are a few basic examples.

# Strings, which can be concatenated with paste0() or paste()
print(paste0("r", "lang"))

# Integers and floats
print(paste("1+1 =", 1+1))
print(paste("7.0/3.0 =", 7.0/3.0))

# Booleans, with logical operators as you'd expect
print(TRUE & FALSE)
print(TRUE | FALSE)

To run the program, save it as values.R and use the Rscript command:

$ Rscript values.R
[1] "rlang"
[1] "1+1 = 2"
[1] "7.0/3.0 = 2.33333333333333"
[1] TRUE

In R, we typically use interactive sessions or run scripts directly, rather than compiling to binaries. The Rscript command allows us to run R scripts from the command line.

R uses print() or cat() for output instead of a specific function like fmt.Println(). String concatenation is typically done with paste() or paste0() rather than the + operator.

For numeric operations, R behaves similarly to other languages, performing integer or floating-point arithmetic as appropriate.

Logical operations in R use & (AND), | (OR), and ! (NOT), similar to many other programming languages.