Channel Directions in Racket

In Racket, we can use channels to communicate between different threads. While Racket doesn’t have built-in directional channels like Go, we can achieve similar functionality using regular channels and adhering to certain usage patterns.

#lang racket

(require racket/async-channel)

;; This `ping` function only sends values to the channel.
;; We use `async-channel-put` to send a message.
(define (ping pings msg)
  (async-channel-put pings msg))

;; The `pong` function receives from one channel and sends to another.
;; We use `async-channel-get` to receive and `async-channel-put` to send.
(define (pong pings pongs)
  (let ([msg (async-channel-get pings)])
    (async-channel-put pongs msg)))

;; In the main function, we create channels and use them.
(define (main)
  (let ([pings (make-async-channel 1)]
        [pongs (make-async-channel 1)])
    (ping pings "passed message")
    (pong pings pongs)
    (displayln (async-channel-get pongs))))


To run the program, save it as channel-directions.rkt and use the racket command:

$ racket channel-directions.rkt
passed message

In this Racket version:

  1. We use async-channels from the racket/async-channel library, which provide similar functionality to Go’s channels.

  2. The ping function only sends to the channel using async-channel-put.

  3. The pong function receives from one channel using async-channel-get and sends to another using async-channel-put.

  4. In the main function, we create two channels using make-async-channel, each with a buffer size of 1.

  5. We then call ping and pong, and finally print the result received from the pongs channel.

While Racket doesn’t enforce channel directionality at compile-time like Go does, we can achieve similar patterns by adhering to our function contracts. This example demonstrates how to use channels for communication between different parts of a Racket program, mirroring the concepts from the original Go example.