Title here
Summary here
Our example demonstrates how to synchronize execution across different threads in Racket. We’ll use channels to wait for a thread to finish its work. When waiting for multiple threads to finish, you might prefer to use a semaphore or a condition variable.
#lang racket
(require racket/async-channel)
; This is the function we'll run in a separate thread. The
; 'done' channel will be used to notify another thread
; that this function's work is done.
(define (worker done-channel)
(display "working...")
(sleep 1)
(displayln "done")
; Send a value to notify that we're done.
(async-channel-put done-channel #t))
(define (main)
; Create a channel for synchronization
(define done (make-async-channel))
; Start a worker thread, giving it the channel to
; notify on.
(thread (lambda () (worker done)))
; Block until we receive a notification from the
; worker on the channel.
(async-channel-get done))
To run the program:
$ racket channel-synchronization.rkt
If you removed the (async-channel-get done)
line from this program, the program would exit before the worker
even started.
In this Racket version:
to create asynchronous channels, which are similar to Go’s channels.worker
function is defined to perform some work and then send a notification on the channel.main
function, we create an asynchronous channel, start a new thread running the worker
function, and then wait for the notification from the worker.thread
to start a new thread, which is analogous to Go’s goroutines.async-channel-put
is used to send a value on the channel, and async-channel-get
is used to receive a value, blocking until one is available.This example demonstrates how Racket can be used for concurrent programming, using threads and channels for synchronization between them.