Custom Errors in Racket

Our first example demonstrates how to create custom errors in Racket. We’ll create a custom error type and use it in a function.

#lang racket

(require racket/format)

; Define a custom error structure
(struct arg-error (arg message) #:transparent)

; Define a function that may raise our custom error
(define (f arg)
  (if (= arg 42)
      (raise (arg-error arg "can't work with it"))
      (+ arg 3)))

; Main function
(define (main)
  (with-handlers ([arg-error? 
                   (lambda (e)
                     (printf "Argument: ~a~n" (arg-error-arg e))
                     (printf "Message: ~a~n" (arg-error-message e)))])
    (f 42))
  (printf "Trying again with a different argument:~n")
  (printf "Result: ~a~n" (f 10)))


In this example, we define a custom error type using struct. The arg-error struct has two fields: arg and message.

We then define a function f that takes an argument. If the argument is 42, it raises our custom arg-error. Otherwise, it returns the argument plus 3.

In the main function, we use with-handlers to catch our custom error. This is similar to a try-catch block in other languages. If an arg-error is caught, we print its details.

To run this program, save it as custom-errors.rkt and use the racket command:

$ racket custom-errors.rkt
Argument: 42
Message: can't work with it
Trying again with a different argument:
Result: 13

This example demonstrates how to create and use custom errors in Racket, providing more detailed error information when exceptions occur.