Epoch in Racket
A common requirement in programs is getting the number of seconds, milliseconds, or nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. Here’s how to do it in Racket.
#lang racket
(require racket/date)
(define (main)
; Use current-seconds, current-milliseconds, or current-inexact-milliseconds
; to get elapsed time since the Unix epoch in seconds or milliseconds.
(define now (current-date))
(displayln now)
(displayln (current-seconds))
(displayln (current-milliseconds))
(displayln (current-inexact-milliseconds))
; You can also convert integer seconds or milliseconds
; since the epoch into the corresponding date.
(displayln (seconds->date (current-seconds)))
(displayln (seconds->date (/ (current-milliseconds) 1000))))
To run the program:
$ racket epoch.rkt
#<date Wed Nov 01 10:30:00 GMT-04:00 2023>
#<date Wed Nov 01 10:30:00 GMT-04:00 2023>
#<date Wed Nov 01 10:30:00 GMT-04:00 2023>
In Racket, we use current-seconds
, current-milliseconds
, and current-inexact-milliseconds
to get the elapsed time since the Unix epoch in seconds and milliseconds. Racket doesn’t have a built-in function for nanoseconds, so we use current-inexact-milliseconds
as the closest equivalent.
We can convert seconds back to a date object using the seconds->date
function. Note that Racket’s date
structure includes both date and time information.
Next, we’ll look at another time-related task: date parsing and formatting.