Errors in Racket
In Racket, error handling is typically done using exceptions, which is different from Go’s approach of returning explicit error values. However, we can simulate a similar pattern using option types and custom structs. Here’s how we might implement the example:
#lang racket
(require racket/format)
;; Define a custom struct for errors
(struct custom-error (message) #:transparent)
;; Function that might produce an error
(define (f arg)
(if (= arg 42)
(values #f (custom-error "can't work with 42"))
(values (+ arg 3) #f)))
;; Define sentinel errors
(define ErrOutOfTea (custom-error "no more tea available"))
(define ErrPower (custom-error "can't boil water"))
;; Function that uses sentinel errors
(define (make-tea arg)
[(= arg 2) ErrOutOfTea]
[(= arg 4) (custom-error (~a "making tea: " (custom-error-message ErrPower)))]
[else #f]))
;; Main function
(define (main)
;; Test f function
(for ([i (in-list '(7 42))])
(define-values (result error) (f i))
(if error
(printf "f failed: ~a\n" (custom-error-message error))
(printf "f worked: ~a\n" result)))
;; Test make-tea function
(for ([i (in-range 5)])
(define error (make-tea i))
[(not error) (printf "Tea is ready!\n")]
[(equal? error ErrOutOfTea) (printf "We should buy new tea!\n")]
[(string-contains? (custom-error-message error) (custom-error-message ErrPower))
(printf "Now it is dark.\n")]
[else (printf "unknown error: ~a\n" (custom-error-message error))])))
;; Run the main function
This Racket code simulates Go’s error handling pattern:
We define a
struct to represent errors.The
function returns multiple values: the result and an error (if any).We define sentinel errors using our
function demonstrates the use of sentinel errors and error wrapping.In the
function, we check for errors using conditional statements, similar to Go’sif err != nil
pattern.We use
to check for specific errors, simulating Go’serrors.Is
To run this program, save it to a file (e.g., errors.rkt
) and execute it using the Racket interpreter:
$ racket errors.rkt
f worked: 10
f failed: can't work with 42
Tea is ready!
Tea is ready!
We should buy new tea!
Tea is ready!
Now it is dark.
This Racket implementation provides a similar structure and behavior to the original Go code, while adapting to Racket’s language features and idioms.