Exit in Racket

Here’s an idiomatic Racket example that demonstrates the concept of exiting a program with a specific status code:

#lang racket

(define (main)
  ; This will not be executed due to early exit
    (lambda () (void))
    (lambda ()
      (exit 3))
    (lambda ()
      (displayln "This will not be printed"))))


This Racket program demonstrates how to exit a program with a specific status code. Let’s break down the code and explain its components:

  1. We define a main function that encapsulates our program’s logic.

  2. Inside main, we use dynamic-wind to set up a context with setup, body, and cleanup procedures. This is similar to the defer concept in some other languages.

  3. The body of dynamic-wind contains the exit function call with an argument of 3. This is equivalent to os.Exit(3) in the original example.

  4. The cleanup procedure (third argument to dynamic-wind) contains a displayln call that will not be executed due to the early exit.

To run this program:

  1. Save the code in a file named exit-example.rkt.
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing the file.
  3. Run the program using the Racket interpreter:
$ racket exit-example.rkt

To check the exit status in a Unix-like shell:

$ racket exit-example.rkt
$ echo $?

This will display the exit status of 3, confirming that our program exited with the specified status code.

Key points to note:

  1. In Racket, the exit function is used to terminate the program with a specific status code.
  2. Unlike some languages, Racket doesn’t use the return value of the main function to determine the exit status.
  3. The dynamic-wind form in this example is used to demonstrate that cleanup code (similar to defer in some languages) won’t be executed when using exit.

This example showcases how to properly exit a Racket program with a specific status code, which can be useful for signaling success or failure to the operating system or other programs that might be calling your Racket script.