Testing And Benchmarking in Racket

Here’s the translation of the Go testing and benchmarking example to Racket, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

#lang racket

(require rackunit)

; We'll be testing this simple implementation of an
; integer minimum. Typically, the code we're testing
; would be in a source file named something like
; "intutils.rkt", and the test file for it would then
; be named "intutils-test.rkt".

(define (int-min a b)
  (if (< a b) a b))

; A test is created by using the `test-case` function.

 "Basic int-min test"
 (check-equal? (int-min 2 -2) -2 "int-min(2, -2) should be -2"))

; Writing tests can be repetitive, so it's idiomatic to
; use a table-driven style, where test inputs and
; expected outputs are listed in a table and a single loop
; walks over them and performs the test logic.

(define int-min-test-cases
  '((0 1 0)
    (1 0 0)
    (2 -2 -2)
    (0 -1 -1)
    (-1 0 -1)))

(for ([test-case int-min-test-cases])
  (match-let ([(list a b expected) test-case])
     (format "int-min ~a,~a" a b)
     (check-equal? (int-min a b) expected
                   (format "int-min(~a, ~a) should be ~a" a b expected)))))

; Benchmark tests in Racket are typically done using the
; `time` function or more sophisticated profiling tools.
; Here's a simple way to benchmark our int-min function:

(define (benchmark-int-min n)
   (for ([i (in-range n)])
     (int-min 1 2))))

; To run the benchmark:
(benchmark-int-min 1000000)

To run the tests and benchmarks in Racket, you would typically put this code in a file (e.g., intutils-test.rkt) and then run it using the racket command:

$ racket intutils-test.rkt

This will run all the tests and the benchmark. The output will show the results of the tests and the time taken for the benchmark.

Note that Racket’s testing framework, RackUnit, doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s table-driven tests with subtests. However, we’ve simulated a similar approach using a list of test cases and a loop.

Also, Racket doesn’t have a built-in benchmarking tool like Go’s testing.B. Instead, we’ve used the time function to measure the execution time of our benchmark. For more sophisticated benchmarking, you might want to use a dedicated benchmarking library or create more complex timing logic.

Remember that while this example tries to mirror the structure of the original Go code, idiomatic Racket code might approach testing and benchmarking differently. Racket programmers often make heavy use of macros and might create more sophisticated testing frameworks tailored to their specific needs.