Http Server in Ruby

Here’s the translation of the HTTP Server example from Go to Ruby, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

Our HTTP server example demonstrates how to create a basic server using Ruby’s built-in webrick library.

require 'webrick'

# A handler in Ruby is typically a Proc or a method that takes
# a request and a response object as arguments.
def hello(request, response)
  response.body = "hello\n"

def headers(request, response)
  # This handler reads all the HTTP request headers
  # and echoes them into the response body.
  response.body = { |k, v| "#{k}: #{v.join(', ')}" }.join("\n")

# Create a new HTTP server on port 8090
server = 8090)

# Register our handlers with specific routes
server.mount_proc '/hello', method(:hello)
server.mount_proc '/headers', method(:headers)

# Start the server
puts "Server started at http://localhost:8090"

In this Ruby example, we’re using the webrick library, which is part of Ruby’s standard library and provides a simple HTTP server implementation.

We define two handler methods: hello and headers. These methods take a request and a response object as arguments, similar to the handler functions in the original example.

The hello handler simply sets the response body to “hello\n”.

The headers handler reads all the HTTP request headers and echoes them into the response body, demonstrating a more sophisticated use of the request object.

We create a new WEBrick::HTTPServer instance, specifying the port to listen on.

Then, we use mount_proc to register our handlers with specific routes. This is equivalent to using http.HandleFunc in the original example.

Finally, we start the server with server.start. This will run the server and block the main thread until the server is stopped.

To run the server:

$ ruby http_server.rb

You can then access the server:

$ curl localhost:8090/hello

$ curl localhost:8090/headers
# This will display all the headers sent in the request

This Ruby implementation provides similar functionality to the original example, demonstrating how to create a basic HTTP server with custom route handlers.