Testing And Benchmarking in Ruby

Here’s the translation of the Go testing and benchmarking example to Ruby:

# Unit testing is an important part of writing principled Ruby programs.
# Ruby comes with a built-in `Test::Unit` framework, but we'll use RSpec,
# a popular testing framework for Ruby.

# For the sake of demonstration, this code is in the same file,
# but typically, the code being tested would be in a separate file.

# We'll be testing this simple implementation of an integer minimum.
def int_min(a, b)
  a < b ? a : b

# RSpec tests are typically placed in a `spec` directory,
# with file names ending in `_spec.rb`.

require 'rspec'

RSpec.describe 'IntMin' do
  # A basic test
  it 'returns the minimum of two numbers' do
    expect(int_min(2, -2)).to eq(-2)

  # Writing tests can be repetitive, so it's idiomatic to use
  # a table-driven style, where test inputs and expected outputs
  # are listed in a table and a single loop walks over them and
  # performs the test logic.
    [0, 1, 0],
    [1, 0, 0],
    [2, -2, -2],
    [0, -1, -1],
    [-1, 0, -1]
  ].each do |a, b, expected|
    it "returns #{expected} as the minimum of #{a} and #{b}" do
      expect(int_min(a, b)).to eq(expected)

# For benchmarking in Ruby, we can use the `benchmark` library.
require 'benchmark'

# Benchmark tests typically measure the time taken to run a piece of code.
Benchmark.bm do |x|
  x.report("int_min") do
    1_000_000.times { int_min(1, 2) }

To run the tests:

$ rspec int_min_spec.rb

Finished in 0.00379 seconds (files took 0.08498 seconds to load)
6 examples, 0 failures

To run the benchmark:

$ ruby int_min_benchmark.rb
       user     system      total        real
int_min  0.059072   0.000162   0.059234 (  0.059304)

In Ruby, we don’t have a direct equivalent of Go’s testing.B for precise benchmarking. The Benchmark module provides a way to measure execution time, but it’s not as sophisticated as Go’s benchmarking tools. For more advanced benchmarking in Ruby, you might want to look into gems like benchmark-ips (iterations per second).

Remember that Ruby doesn’t have static typing, so we don’t need to specify types for our function arguments or return values. The overall structure of the tests is similar, but we’re using RSpec’s syntax instead of Go’s testing package.

The benchmarking in Ruby is simpler and less precise than in Go. It just measures the time taken to run the function a million times, rather than automatically determining the number of iterations.