Variables in Ruby

In Ruby, variables are dynamically typed and don’t need to be explicitly declared. The interpreter infers the type based on the value assigned to the variable.

# Variables can be assigned directly without declaration
a = "initial"
puts a

# You can assign multiple variables at once
b, c = 1, 2
puts "#{b} #{c}"

# Ruby will infer the type of initialized variables
d = true
puts d

# Variables declared without initialization are nil
e = nil
puts e

# There's no need for special syntax inside functions
# Variables are simply assigned when needed
f = "apple"
puts f

To run the program, save it as variables.rb and use the ruby command:

$ ruby variables.rb
1 2


In Ruby:

  1. Variables don’t need to be declared with a specific keyword like var.
  2. Type inference happens automatically.
  3. Variables without initialization are nil by default, not zero-valued like in some languages.
  4. There’s no special syntax for short variable declaration inside functions.
  5. Ruby uses nil instead of null for representing the absence of a value.

Ruby’s dynamic typing and flexible syntax make variable declaration and initialization more straightforward compared to statically typed languages. However, it’s important to be aware of potential runtime errors that can occur due to the lack of compile-time type checking.

Remember to use clear and descriptive variable names to maintain readable and maintainable code, especially given Ruby’s dynamic nature.