Http Client in Scala

Here’s an idiomatic Scala example demonstrating the concept of an HTTP client, similar to the Go example provided:

import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}

object HttpClientExample extends App {
  // Function to perform HTTP GET request
  def httpGet(url: String): Try[String] = {
    Try(Source.fromURL(url).mkString).recoverWith { case e: Exception =>
      Failure(new Exception(s"Failed to fetch URL: $url", e))

  // Perform the HTTP GET request
  val url = ""
  val response = httpGet(url)

  // Print the response status and content
  response match {
    case Success(content) =>
      println(s"Response status: 200 OK")
      println("First 5 lines of content:")
    case Failure(exception) =>
      println(s"Request failed: ${exception.getMessage}")

This Scala example demonstrates how to create a simple HTTP client using the built-in library. Here’s a breakdown of the code:

  1. We import necessary libraries: for making HTTP requests and scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure} for handling exceptions in a functional way.

  2. We define an object named HttpClientExample that extends App. This is a common pattern in Scala for creating executable programs.

  3. The httpGet function takes a URL as a string and returns a Try[String]. It uses Source.fromURL to fetch the content of the URL. The Try wrapper allows us to handle potential exceptions gracefully.

  4. In the main part of the program, we specify a URL and call the httpGet function.

  5. We use pattern matching to handle the result of the HTTP request:

    • For a successful request, we print the status (assuming 200 OK) and the first 5 lines of the content.
    • For a failed request, we print an error message.

To run this Scala program:

  1. Save the code in a file named HttpClientExample.scala.
  2. Make sure you have Scala installed on your system.
  3. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing the file.
  4. Compile and run the code using the Scala compiler:
$ scala HttpClientExample.scala

This example demonstrates Scala’s concise syntax, functional programming features (like Try for exception handling), and its ability to work with HTTP requests using built-in libraries. It’s worth noting that for more complex HTTP client needs, Scala developers often use libraries like Akka HTTP or http4s, which provide more robust and feature-rich HTTP client implementations.