Interfaces in Scala
Interfaces are named collections of method signatures.
import scala.math.Pi
// Here's a basic trait for geometric shapes.
trait Geometry {
def area(): Double
def perim(): Double
// For our example we'll implement this trait on
// Rect and Circle classes.
case class Rect(width: Double, height: Double) extends Geometry {
def area(): Double = width * height
def perim(): Double = 2 * width + 2 * height
case class Circle(radius: Double) extends Geometry {
def area(): Double = Pi * radius * radius
def perim(): Double = 2 * Pi * radius
// If a variable has a trait type, then we can call
// methods that are in the named trait. Here's a
// generic measure function taking advantage of this
// to work on any Geometry.
def measure(g: Geometry): Unit = {
object InterfacesExample extends App {
val r = Rect(width = 3, height = 4)
val c = Circle(radius = 5)
// The Circle and Rect case classes both
// implement the Geometry trait so we can use
// instances of these classes as arguments to measure.
To run the program, save it in a file named InterfacesExample.scala
and use scala
$ scala InterfacesExample.scala
In Scala, we use traits to define interfaces. Traits can contain both abstract and concrete methods. Classes can extend multiple traits, which provides a form of multiple inheritance.
The case class
keyword in Scala automatically provides implementations for common methods like toString
, equals
, and hashCode
, which is why we can directly print the objects.
Scala’s object-oriented nature combined with its functional programming features make it a powerful language for defining and working with interfaces and abstract types.