Signals in Scala
Here’s the translation of the Go code to Scala, along with explanations in Markdown format suitable for Hugo:
Our first example demonstrates how to handle Unix signals in Scala. We’ll create a program that gracefully handles interruption signals.
import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import sun.misc.{Signal, SignalHandler}
object SignalHandling extends App {
// We'll use a Future to simulate a long-running process
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext =
// Create a Promise to handle the completion of our program
val done = scala.concurrent.Promise[Boolean]()
// Set up our signal handler
val handler = new SignalHandler {
def handle(signal: Signal): Unit = {
println(s"Received signal: ${signal.getName}")
// Register our handler for SIGINT and SIGTERM
Signal.handle(new Signal("INT"), handler)
Signal.handle(new Signal("TERM"), handler)
println("Awaiting signal...")
// Simulate some work
Future {
while (!done.isCompleted) {
// Wait for the signal
scala.concurrent.Await.result(done.future, Duration.Inf)
In this Scala program:
We import necessary libraries for handling concurrent operations and signals.
We create a
to simulate a long-running process.We use a
to handle the completion of our program.We define a
that prints the received signal and completes the Promise.We register our handler for SIGINT and SIGTERM signals.
We start a
that simulates work until the Promise is completed.Finally, we wait for the Promise to be completed (i.e., a signal to be received) before exiting.
When we run this program, it will block waiting for a signal. By pressing Ctrl+C (which the terminal shows as ^C), we can send a SIGINT signal, causing the program to print the signal name and then exit.
$ scala SignalHandling.scala
Awaiting signal...
Received signal: INT
This example demonstrates how to handle signals in Scala, allowing for graceful shutdown of long-running processes when interruption signals are received.