Enums in Scheme

Enumerated Types in Swift

Enumerated types (enums) are a special case of sum types. An enum is a type that has a fixed number of possible values, each with a distinct name. In Swift, enums are a distinct language feature and are very simple to implement.

Our enum type ServerState is defined as follows:

enum ServerState {
    case idle
    case connected
    case error
    case retrying

The possible values for ServerState are defined as cases within the enum.

By implementing the CustomStringConvertible protocol, values of ServerState can be printed out or converted to strings.

extension ServerState: CustomStringConvertible {
    var description: String {
        switch self {
        case .idle:
            return "idle"
        case .connected:
            return "connected"
        case .error:
            return "error"
        case .retrying:
            return "retrying"

If we have a value of type Int, we cannot pass it to transition - the compiler will complain about type mismatch. This provides some degree of compile-time type safety for enums.

func main() {
    let ns = transition(.idle)
    let ns2 = transition(ns)

transition emulates a state transition for a server; it takes the existing state and returns a new state.

func transition(_ s: ServerState) -> ServerState {
    switch s {
    case .idle:
        return .connected
    case .connected, .retrying:
        // Suppose we check some predicates here to determine the next state…
        return .idle
    case .error:
        return .error

To run the program, you can put the code in a Swift file and use swift to execute it.

$ swift enums.swift

Now that we can run and build basic Swift programs, let’s learn more about the language.