Non Blocking Channel Operations in Scheme

Our first program will demonstrate non-blocking channel operations. In Scheme, we don’t have built-in channels or select statements, but we can simulate similar behavior using threads and message passing. Here’s an implementation that captures the essence of the original example:

(import (rnrs) (rnrs mutable-pairs) (srfi :18))

;; Simulate channels using thread-safe queues
(define (make-channel)
  (let ((queue '())
        (mutex (make-mutex))
        (condition (make-condition)))
    (lambda (op . args)
      (mutex-lock! mutex)
      (case op
         (set! queue (append queue (list (car args))))
         (condition-signal! condition))
         (if (null? queue)
               (mutex-unlock! mutex)
             (let ((value (car queue)))
               (set! queue (cdr queue))
               (mutex-unlock! mutex)
         (if (null? queue)
               (mutex-unlock! mutex)
               (cons #f #f))
             (let ((value (car queue)))
               (set! queue (cdr queue))
               (mutex-unlock! mutex)
               (cons #t value)))))
      (mutex-unlock! mutex))))

(define (main)
  (let ((messages (make-channel))
        (signals (make-channel)))

    ;; Non-blocking receive
    (let ((result (messages 'try-receive)))
      (if (car result)
          (display (string-append "received message: " (cdr result)))
          (display "no message received")))

    ;; Non-blocking send
    (let ((msg "hi"))
      (if (messages 'send msg)
          (display (string-append "sent message: " msg))
          (display "no message sent")))

    ;; Multi-way non-blocking select
    (let ((msg-result (messages 'try-receive))
          (sig-result (signals 'try-receive)))
       ((car msg-result)
        (display (string-append "received message: " (cdr msg-result))))
       ((car sig-result)
        (display (string-append "received signal: " (cdr sig-result))))
        (display "no activity"))))


This Scheme implementation simulates non-blocking channel operations using thread-safe queues. Here’s a breakdown of the code:

  1. We define a make-channel function that creates a channel-like object using a queue, a mutex, and a condition variable.

  2. The channel object supports operations like send, receive, and try-receive.

  3. In the main function, we create two channels: messages and signals.

  4. We perform a non-blocking receive on the messages channel using try-receive. If a message is available, it’s printed; otherwise, “no message received” is displayed.

  5. We attempt a non-blocking send of the message “hi” to the messages channel. In this implementation, sends are always successful, so “sent message: hi” will be printed.

  6. Finally, we simulate a multi-way non-blocking select by trying to receive from both messages and signals channels. The first available message is processed, or “no activity” is displayed if both channels are empty.

To run this program, save it to a file (e.g., non-blocking-channels.scm) and execute it using a Scheme interpreter that supports SRFI-18 (e.g., Chez Scheme, Guile):

$ scheme --script non-blocking-channels.scm
no message received
sent message: hi
no activity

This Scheme implementation captures the essence of non-blocking channel operations, although it doesn’t provide the exact same semantics as the original example due to language differences.