Pointers in Scheme

In Scheme, we don’t have direct pointer manipulation like in lower-level languages. However, we can demonstrate similar concepts using mutable data structures and procedure arguments.

; We'll show how mutable data works in contrast to values with
; 2 procedures: 'zeroval' and 'zeroptr'. 'zeroval' has a
; number parameter, so arguments will be passed to it by
; value. 'zeroval' will get a copy of 'ival' distinct
; from the one in the calling procedure.

(define (zeroval ival)
  (set! ival 0))

; 'zeroptr' in contrast takes a mutable box (similar to a pointer).
; The 'set-box!' procedure then changes the value inside the box.
; This is analogous to dereferencing and modifying a pointer.

(define (zeroptr iptr)
  (set-box! iptr 0))

(define (main)
  (let ((i (box 1)))
    (display "initial: ")
    (display (unbox i))

    (zeroval (unbox i))
    (display "zeroval: ")
    (display (unbox i))

    ; We pass the box directly to 'zeroptr'
    (zeroptr i)
    (display "zeroptr: ")
    (display (unbox i))

    ; In Scheme, we don't typically print memory addresses,
    ; but we can show that 'i' is a box
    (display "is-box: ")
    (display (box? i))


To run this Scheme program, save it to a file (e.g., pointers.scm) and run it using a Scheme interpreter. For example, if you’re using Chez Scheme:

$ scheme --script pointers.scm
initial: 1
zeroval: 1
zeroptr: 0
is-box: #t

In this Scheme version:

  1. We use a box (created with box) to simulate a pointer. A box is a mutable container that can hold a single value.

  2. zeroval takes a value and tries to set it to 0, but this doesn’t affect the original value because Scheme uses pass-by-value for simple data types.

  3. zeroptr takes a box and uses set-box! to change the value inside the box, which is analogous to dereferencing and modifying a pointer.

  4. In the main procedure, we create a box containing 1, then demonstrate how zeroval doesn’t change the boxed value, but zeroptr does.

  5. Instead of printing a memory address, we show that i is indeed a box using the box? predicate.

This example demonstrates how Scheme handles mutable state and illustrates a concept similar to pointers, even though Scheme doesn’t have direct pointer manipulation like lower-level languages.