Testing And Benchmarking in Scheme

Here’s the translation of the Go testing and benchmarking example to Scheme:

; Unit testing is an important part of writing principled Scheme programs.
; Many Scheme implementations provide their own testing frameworks.
; For this example, we'll use a simple custom testing framework.

; For the sake of demonstration, this code is in the same file,
; but it could be in separate files. Testing code typically lives
; in the same package or module as the code it tests.

; We'll be testing this simple implementation of an integer minimum.
(define (int-min a b)
  (if (< a b)

; A simple test framework
(define (assert condition message)
  (if (not condition)
      (error message)))

; A test is created by writing a function with a descriptive name.
(define (test-int-min-basic)
  (let ((ans (int-min 2 -2)))
    (assert (= ans -2) 
            (format #f "int-min(2, -2) = ~a; want -2" ans))))

; Writing tests can be repetitive, so it's idiomatic to use a
; table-driven style, where test inputs and expected outputs are
; listed in a table and a single loop walks over them and performs
; the test logic.
(define (test-int-min-table-driven)
  (let ((tests '((0 1 0)
                 (1 0 0)
                 (2 -2 -2)
                 (0 -1 -1)
                 (-1 0 -1))))
     (lambda (test)
       (let ((a (car test))
             (b (cadr test))
             (want (caddr test)))
         (let ((ans (int-min a b)))
           (assert (= ans want)
                   (format #f "int-min(~a, ~a) = ~a; want ~a" 
                           a b ans want)))))

; Run the tests
(define (run-tests)
  (display "All tests passed!\n"))

; Benchmarking in Scheme is typically done using the `time` function
; or a similar timing mechanism provided by the Scheme implementation.
; Here's a simple benchmark function:
(define (benchmark-int-min)
  (let ((start-time (current-time)))
    (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
        ((= i 1000000))
      (int-min 1 2))
    (let ((end-time (current-time)))
      (display "Time taken: ")
      (display (- end-time start-time))
      (display " seconds\n"))))

; Run the tests and benchmark

To run this Scheme program:

$ scheme < testing_and_benchmarking.scm
All tests passed!
Time taken: 0.123 seconds

Note that the exact output and timing will depend on your Scheme implementation and system performance. Unlike Go, Scheme doesn’t have a built-in testing and benchmarking framework, so we’ve implemented a simple version here. Many Scheme implementations provide their own testing frameworks that you can use for more comprehensive testing.

Also, the benchmarking approach here is very basic. More sophisticated benchmarking might involve running the function multiple times and calculating average performance, or using implementation-specific profiling tools.

Remember that Scheme is a minimalist language, and many features that are built into Go or other languages need to be implemented or imported from libraries in Scheme. The testing and benchmarking approach can vary significantly between different Scheme implementations.