Variables in Scheme

In Scheme, variables are typically defined using the define keyword. Unlike Go, Scheme is dynamically typed, so we don’t need to explicitly declare types.

(define (main)
  ; Define a variable
  (define a "initial")
  (display a)

  ; Define multiple variables
  (define b 1)
  (define c 2)
  (display b)
  (display " ")
  (display c)

  ; Scheme is dynamically typed, so type inference is not necessary
  (define d #t)
  (display d)

  ; Variables without initialization are undefined in Scheme
  ; We'll set it to 0 to mimic Go's behavior
  (define e 0)
  (display e)

  ; In Scheme, we use define for all variable declarations
  (define f "apple")
  (display f)


To run this Scheme program, you would typically save it to a file (e.g., variables.scm) and then use a Scheme interpreter to execute it. The exact command depends on your Scheme implementation, but it might look something like this:

$ scheme --script variables.scm
1 2

In Scheme:

  1. We use define to declare variables. There’s no separate keyword for declaration without initialization.

  2. Scheme doesn’t have static typing, so we don’t specify types when declaring variables.

  3. We use display and newline for output instead of a println function.

  4. Booleans are typically written as #t for true and #f for false.

  5. There’s no direct equivalent to Go’s := syntax in Scheme. All variable declarations use define.

  6. Scheme doesn’t have a concept of zero-values like Go does. Variables without initialization are typically undefined.

Remember, Scheme is a very different language from statically-typed, imperative languages. It’s a dialect of Lisp, and follows functional programming paradigms. This translation attempts to show similar concepts, but the underlying philosophy and approach of the language is quite different.