This Scheme implementation uses Chez Scheme’s built-in concurrency primitives. Here’s an explanation of the key differences and adaptations:
We use fork-thread to create new threads, which is similar to goroutines in Go.
Instead of Go’s channels, we use Chez Scheme’s make-channel, channel-put, channel-get, and channel-ready? functions.
The worker function is implemented as a recursive loop that continues as long as there are jobs available.
We use display and format for output instead of Go’s fmt.Println.
The sleep function is used to simulate work, similar to Go’s time.Sleep.
Instead of Go’s range loops, we use Scheme’s do loops for iteration.
Channel closing is done with channel-close.
To run this program, you would save it to a file (e.g., worker-pools.scm) and run it with a Chez Scheme interpreter:
Note that the exact order of output may vary due to the concurrent nature of the program. The program demonstrates how to implement a worker pool pattern in Scheme, using threads and channels to distribute work and collect results.