Exit in Scilab

Here’s an idiomatic Scilab example demonstrating the concept of exiting a program:

function exit_example()
    // This function will not be executed due to the exit
    function cleanup()
        disp('Cleanup function called')

    // Register the cleanup function

    // Display a message
    disp('About to exit the program')

    // Exit the program with status 3

    // This line will never be executed
    disp('This will not be printed')

// Run the example

This Scilab code demonstrates how to exit a program using the exit() function. Here’s a breakdown of the code:

  1. We define a function called exit_example() to encapsulate our code.

  2. Inside exit_example(), we define a nested function cleanup() that simulates a cleanup operation. This function is registered using atexit() to be called when the program exits normally.

  3. We use disp() to print a message indicating that we’re about to exit the program.

  4. The exit(3) function is called to immediately terminate the program with a status code of 3. This is similar to the os.Exit(3) in the original example.

  5. The last disp() statement will never be executed because the program exits before reaching this line.

To run this example:

  1. Save the code in a file named exit_example.sce.
  2. Open Scilab and navigate to the directory containing the file.
  3. Execute the script by typing exec('exit_example.sce') in the Scilab console.

You’ll see output similar to this:

About to exit the program

Note that the cleanup function is not called when using exit(). This is because exit() terminates the program immediately, similar to the behavior of os.Exit() in the original example.

To check the exit status in Scilab, you would typically run the script from a shell and check the exit code. For example:

$ scilab -nw -f exit_example.sce
$ echo $?

This will display the exit status (3 in this case) after running the script.

It’s important to note that while Scilab provides the exit() function for terminating the program, it’s generally recommended to allow scripts to complete normally rather than using exit(), especially in interactive sessions or when Scilab is embedded in other applications.