File Paths in Scilab

Here’s the translation of the Go code example to Scilab, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

The fileparts function in Scilab provides functionality to parse and construct file paths in a way that is portable between operating systems.

// Main function
function main()
    // Join should be used to construct paths in a portable way
    p = fullpath('dir1' + filesep() + 'dir2' + filesep() + 'filename');
    disp('p: ' + p);

    // Always use fullpath instead of concatenating separators manually
    disp(fullpath('dir1' + filesep() + filesep() + 'filename'));
    disp(fullpath('dir1' + filesep() + '..' + filesep() + 'dir1' + filesep() + 'filename'));

    // fileparts can be used to split a path to the directory and the file
    [path, fname, ext] = fileparts(p);
    disp('Dir(p): ' + path);
    disp('Base(p): ' + fname + ext);

    // Check whether a path is absolute
    function res = isabs(path)
        return part(path, 1) == filesep();

    disp(isabs('dir' + filesep() + 'file'));
    disp(isabs(filesep() + 'dir' + filesep() + 'file'));

    filename = 'config.json';

    // Get the extension of a file
    [~, ~, ext] = fileparts(filename);

    // To find the file's name with the extension removed
    [~, fname, ~] = fileparts(filename);

    // Find a relative path between a base and a target
    function rel = relpath(base, target)
        base = strsplit(base, filesep());
        target = strsplit(target, filesep());
        // Find common prefix
        i = 1;
        while i <= min(length(base), length(target)) & base(i) == target(i)
            i = i + 1;
        rel = repmat('..' + filesep(), 1, length(base) - i + 1);
        rel = rel + strjoin(target(i:$), filesep());
        if rel == ''
            rel = '.';

    disp(relpath('a' + filesep() + 'b', 'a' + filesep() + 'b' + filesep() + 't' + filesep() + 'file'));
    disp(relpath('a' + filesep() + 'b', 'a' + filesep() + 'c' + filesep() + 't' + filesep() + 'file'));

// Call the main function

This Scilab code demonstrates various file path operations:

  1. We use fullpath to construct file paths in a portable way.
  2. The fileparts function is used to split a path into its components.
  3. We define an isabs function to check if a path is absolute.
  4. We show how to extract file extensions and base names.
  5. A relpath function is implemented to find relative paths between two locations.

Note that Scilab doesn’t have built-in functions for all these operations, so we’ve implemented some of them manually. The behavior might slightly differ from the original Go example due to differences in the languages and their standard libraries.

To run this script, save it as file_paths.sce and execute it in Scilab:

--> exec('file_paths.sce', -1)

The output will depend on your specific file system and current working directory.