Range Over Channels in Scilab
In a previous example, we saw how for
loops provide iteration over basic data structures. In Scilab, we can use similar constructs to iterate over elements in a list or array.
function range_over_channels()
// We'll iterate over 2 values in the 'queue' list
queue = list("one", "two");
// This loop iterates over each element in the queue
for i = 1:length(queue)
To run the program:
--> exec('range_over_channels.sce', -1)
In this example, we’re using a list to simulate a channel. Scilab doesn’t have built-in channels or concurrent programming constructs like Go, so we’ve adapted the concept to use a list instead.
The for
loop in Scilab iterates over the indices of the list, and we use these indices to access and print each element. This achieves a similar result to ranging over a channel in Go.
Note that in Scilab, there’s no need to explicitly close the list as we would with a channel in Go. The list will be automatically cleaned up when it goes out of scope or when the function ends.
This example demonstrates how to iterate over elements in a list, which is a common operation in Scilab programming. While it doesn’t directly translate the concept of channels, it provides a similar functionality of processing a sequence of values.