Regular Expressions in Scilab

// Scilab offers support for regular expressions through the 'regexp' function.
// Here are some examples of common regexp-related tasks in Scilab.

// This tests whether a pattern matches a string.
match = grep('peach', '/p([a-z]+)ch/');

// For other regexp tasks, we'll use the 'regexp' function.
// Note that in Scilab, we don't need to compile the regex pattern.

// This finds the match for the regexp.
result = regexp('peach punch', '/p([a-z]+)ch/','match');

// This finds the first match but returns the
// start and end indexes for the match.
[start,end] = regexp('peach punch', '/p([a-z]+)ch/');
disp(['idx: ', string(start), ' ', string(end)]);

// The 'tokens' option includes information about
// both the whole-pattern matches and the submatches
// within those matches.
[match, submatch] = regexp('peach punch', '/p([a-z]+)ch/','tokens');

// To find all matches for a regexp, we can use the 'g' flag.
all_matches = regexp('peach punch pinch', '/p([a-z]+)ch/g','match');

// The 'regexp' function in Scilab doesn't have a direct equivalent
// to Go's FindAllStringSubmatchIndex. We can achieve similar results
// by combining 'regexp' with other string manipulation functions.

// Replacing subsets of strings with other values.
replaced = strsubst('a peach', '/p([a-z]+)ch/', '<fruit>');

// Scilab doesn't have a direct equivalent to Go's ReplaceAllFunc.
// We can achieve similar results using a combination of 'regexp'
// and custom functions.

function upper_case = to_upper(str)
    upper_case = convstr(str, 'u');

input_str = 'a peach';
[start,end] = regexp(input_str, '/p([a-z]+)ch/');
if ~isempty(start) then
    match = part(input_str, start:end);
    upper_match = to_upper(match);
    output = strsubst(input_str, match, upper_match);

This Scilab code demonstrates various regular expression operations, mirroring the functionality shown in the Go example as closely as possible. Here are some key points:

  1. Scilab uses the regexp function for most regular expression operations.
  2. Regular expression patterns in Scilab are typically enclosed in forward slashes (/pattern/).
  3. Scilab doesn’t have a separate compilation step for regular expressions.
  4. Some operations, like finding all matches with submatches, require combining regexp with other string manipulation functions.
  5. Scilab’s regexp function returns results differently from Go’s regexp package, so the code structure is adjusted accordingly.
  6. The ReplaceAllFunc equivalent is implemented using a custom function and string manipulation.

Remember to adjust your regular expression syntax and function calls according to Scilab’s specific implementation when working with regular expressions in this language.