Slices in Scilab

// Slices are an important data type in Scilab, giving
// a more powerful interface to sequences than arrays.

// Unlike arrays, slices in Scilab are just references to parts of arrays.
// They don't have a fixed size.

// Create an empty array
s = [];
disp("uninit:", s, "is_empty:", isempty(s), "length:", length(s));

// To create an array with non-zero length, use zeros or ones function
s = zeros(1, 3);
disp("emp:", s, "length:", length(s));

// We can set and get just like with arrays.
s(1) = "a";
s(2) = "b";
s(3) = "c";
disp("set:", s);
disp("get:", s(3));

// length returns the length of the array as expected.
disp("len:", length(s));

// In addition to these basic operations, we can use concatenation
// to add elements to the array.
s = [s, "d"];
s = [s, "e", "f"];
disp("concat:", s);

// We can also copy arrays
c = s;
disp("cpy:", c);

// Slices support a "slice" operator with the syntax
// slice(start:end). For example, this gets elements 2 to 4.
l = s(2:4);
disp("sl1:", l);

// This slices up to (but excluding) the 5th element.
l = s(1:4);
disp("sl2:", l);

// And this slices from the 3rd element to the end.
l = s(3:$);
disp("sl3:", l);

// We can declare and initialize a variable for array
// in a single line as well.
t = ["g", "h", "i"];
disp("dcl:", t);

// Scilab doesn't have a built-in function to compare arrays,
// but we can create one
function res = array_equal(a, b)
    res = and(a == b) && length(a) == length(b);

t2 = ["g", "h", "i"];
if array_equal(t, t2) then
    disp("t == t2");

// Arrays can be composed into multi-dimensional data
// structures. The length of the inner arrays can
// vary, unlike with multi-dimensional arrays.
twoD = list();
for i = 1:3
    innerLen = i;
    inner = zeros(1, innerLen);
    for j = 1:innerLen
        inner(j) = i + j - 1;
    twoD(i) = inner;
disp("2d: ", twoD);

This Scilab code demonstrates concepts similar to Go’s slices, using Scilab’s arrays and lists. Here are some key differences and adaptations:

  1. Scilab doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s slices, so we use arrays and list structures to demonstrate similar concepts.

  2. Scilab uses 1-based indexing, unlike Go’s 0-based indexing.

  3. The append function in Go is replaced with array concatenation in Scilab.

  4. Scilab doesn’t have a built-in function to compare arrays, so we created a simple array_equal function.

  5. For multi-dimensional structures, we use Scilab’s list type, which can hold elements of different sizes.

  6. Some Go-specific functions like make and cap don’t have direct equivalents in Scilab, so they’re omitted or replaced with appropriate Scilab constructs.

This code demonstrates how to work with arrays and lists in Scilab, which are the closest equivalents to Go’s slices in terms of functionality.