Sorting By Functions in Scilab

Our example demonstrates custom sorting in Scilab. We’ll sort strings by their length and then sort a list of custom structures.

// Define a list of fruits
fruits = ["peach", "banana", "kiwi"];

// Define a comparison function for string lengths
function res = lenCmp(a, b)
    res = length(a) - length(b);

// Sort fruits by length using the gsort function with a custom comparison function
[sorted_fruits, perm] = gsort(fruits, "g", lenCmp);

// Define a structure for Person
Person = struct("name", "", "age", 0);

// Create a list of Person structures
people(1) = struct("name", "Jax", "age", 37);
people(2) = struct("name", "TJ", "age", 25);
people(3) = struct("name", "Alex", "age", 72);

// Define a comparison function for Person structures based on age
function res = ageCmp(a, b)
    res = a.age - b.age;

// Sort people by age using the gsort function with a custom comparison function
[sorted_people, perm] = gsort(people, "g", ageCmp);

// Display the sorted list of people
for i = 1:length(sorted_people)
    disp(sprintf("%s: %d", sorted_people(i).name, sorted_people(i).age));

In this Scilab example, we first sort a list of fruits by their length. We define a custom comparison function lenCmp that compares the lengths of two strings. We then use Scilab’s gsort function with the “g” option, which allows us to provide a custom comparison function.

Next, we define a Person structure with name and age fields. We create a list of Person structures and sort them by age. We define another custom comparison function ageCmp that compares the ages of two Person structures.

The gsort function in Scilab is versatile and can sort various data types, including structures, using custom comparison functions. This is similar to the slices.SortFunc function in the original example.

Note that Scilab doesn’t have built-in support for object-oriented programming like some other languages, so we use structures to represent our Person objects.

To run this program, save it as a .sce file (e.g., custom_sort.sce) and execute it in Scilab:

$ scilab -f custom_sort.sce

This will display the sorted list of fruits and people.