Xml in Scilab

Here’s the translation of the XML example from Go to Scilab, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

// Plant will be mapped to XML. We'll use a struct to represent the data.
// In Scilab, we don't have built-in XML support, so we'll simulate the structure.
function plant = createPlant(id, name, origin)
    plant = struct('id', id, 'name', name, 'origin', origin);

// Function to convert plant struct to a string representation
function str = plantToString(p)
    str = sprintf("Plant id=%d, name=%s, origin=%s", p.id, p.name, strcat(p.origin, ","));

// Main function
function main()
    // Create a plant
    coffee = createPlant(27, "Coffee", ["Ethiopia", "Brazil"]);
    // Simulate XML marshaling (converting struct to XML string)
    function xmlStr = marshalXML(p)
        xmlStr = ["<plant id=""" + string(p.id) + """>"; ...
                  "  <name>" + p.name + "</name>"; ...
                  "  <origin>" + strcat(p.origin, "</origin>" + ascii(10) + "  <origin>") + "</origin>"; ...
        xmlStr = strcat(xmlStr, ascii(10));
    // Print the XML representation
    // Add a generic XML header
    xmlHeader = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>";
    // Simulate XML unmarshaling (parsing XML string back to struct)
    // In a real scenario, you'd need to implement proper XML parsing
    // Create another plant
    tomato = createPlant(81, "Tomato", ["Mexico", "California"]);
    // Simulate nested XML structure
    function xmlStr = marshalNestedXML(plants)
        xmlStr = "<nesting>" + ascii(10);
        xmlStr = xmlStr + "  <parent>" + ascii(10);
        xmlStr = xmlStr + "    <child>" + ascii(10);
        for i = 1:length(plants)
            xmlStr = xmlStr + "      " + strsubst(marshalXML(plants(i)), ascii(10), ascii(10) + "      ");
        xmlStr = xmlStr + "    </child>" + ascii(10);
        xmlStr = xmlStr + "  </parent>" + ascii(10);
        xmlStr = xmlStr + "</nesting>";
    // Create nested structure and print
    nesting = list(coffee, tomato);

// Run the main function

This Scilab code simulates the XML handling capabilities demonstrated in the original example. Here’s an explanation of the key differences and adaptations:

  1. Scilab doesn’t have built-in XML support, so we’ve created functions to simulate XML marshaling and unmarshaling.

  2. Instead of using tags for struct fields, we’re using a simple struct to represent the Plant data.

  3. The marshalXML and marshalNestedXML functions create string representations of the data in XML format.

  4. We’ve simulated the MarshalIndent functionality by using string concatenation and newline characters.

  5. The plantToString function replaces the String() method in the original example.

  6. Scilab doesn’t have exception handling like Go, so error checking is minimal in this example.

  7. The nested XML structure is simulated using the marshalNestedXML function.

To run this script, save it as xml_example.sce and execute it in Scilab. The output will be similar to the original example, showing XML representations of the plant data.

Note that this is a simplified simulation of XML handling. For real-world XML processing in Scilab, you would typically use external libraries or tools, as Scilab doesn’t have comprehensive built-in XML support.