Channel Buffering in Standard ML

In Standard ML, we don’t have built-in channels like in some other languages. However, we can simulate a similar behavior using mutable references and lists. Here’s an example that demonstrates a concept similar to buffered channels:

(* We'll use the TextIO module for printing *)
open TextIO;

(* This function simulates a buffered channel *)
fun makeBufferedChannel capacity =
        val buffer = ref []
            send = fn value =>
                if length (!buffer) < capacity
                then buffer := !buffer @ [value]
                else raise Fail "Buffer full",
            receive = fn () =>
                case !buffer of
                    [] => raise Fail "Buffer empty"
                  | x::xs => (buffer := xs; x)

(* Our main function *)
fun main () =
        (* Create a "buffered channel" with capacity 2 *)
        val messages = makeBufferedChannel 2
        (* Send two values to the channel *)
        val _ = (#send messages) "buffered"
        val _ = (#send messages) "channel"
        (* Receive and print the two values *)
        val _ = print(((#receive messages) ()) ^ "\n")
        val _ = print(((#receive messages) ()) ^ "\n")

(* Run the main function *)
val _ = main ();

In this example, we create a function makeBufferedChannel that simulates a buffered channel. It returns a record with send and receive functions that operate on a mutable reference to a list.

The main function demonstrates the usage:

  1. We create a “buffered channel” with a capacity of 2.
  2. We send two values to the channel without immediately receiving them.
  3. Later, we receive and print these two values.

To run this program, you would typically save it to a file (e.g., buffered_channel.sml) and then use an SML interpreter or compiler. For example, with Standard ML of New Jersey (SML/NJ):

$ sml buffered_channel.sml

This example demonstrates how we can implement a concept similar to buffered channels in Standard ML, even though the language doesn’t have built-in support for this feature. The key difference is that our implementation is synchronous and uses exceptions for error handling, whereas true buffered channels are typically asynchronous.