Command Line Flags in Standard ML

Here’s the translation of the Go code to Standard ML, along with explanations in Markdown format suitable for Hugo:

Standard ML doesn’t have built-in command-line flag parsing libraries like Go’s flag package. However, we can implement a simple command-line argument parsing system to demonstrate similar functionality. Here’s an example:

fun parseArgs args =
        fun parseArg ("--word", value::rest) = ("word", value) :: parseArg rest
          | parseArg ("--numb", value::rest) = ("numb", value) :: parseArg rest
          | parseArg ("--fork", rest) = ("fork", "true") :: parseArg rest
          | parseArg ("--svar", value::rest) = ("svar", value) :: parseArg rest
          | parseArg (arg::rest) = ("tail", arg) :: parseArg rest
          | parseArg [] = []
        parseArg args

fun getArgValue (key, args) =
    case List.find (fn (k, _) => k = key) args of
        SOME (_, value) => value
      | NONE => 
        case key of
            "word" => "foo"
          | "numb" => "42"
          | "fork" => "false"
          | "svar" => "bar"
          | _ => ""

fun main () =
        val args = CommandLine.arguments()
        val parsedArgs = parseArgs args
        val word = getArgValue ("word", parsedArgs)
        val numb = getArgValue ("numb", parsedArgs)
        val fork = getArgValue ("fork", parsedArgs)
        val svar = getArgValue ("svar", parsedArgs)
        val tail = List.filter (fn (k, _) => k = "tail") parsedArgs
        print ("word: " ^ word ^ "\n");
        print ("numb: " ^ numb ^ "\n");
        print ("fork: " ^ fork ^ "\n");
        print ("svar: " ^ svar ^ "\n");
        print ("tail: " ^ String.concatWith " " ( #2 tail) ^ "\n")

val _ = main()

This Standard ML program implements a simple command-line argument parsing system. Here’s how it works:

  1. The parseArgs function takes the command-line arguments and parses them into key-value pairs.

  2. The getArgValue function retrieves the value for a given key from the parsed arguments. If the key is not found, it returns a default value.

  3. In the main function, we:

    • Get the command-line arguments using CommandLine.arguments().
    • Parse these arguments using our parseArgs function.
    • Retrieve values for each flag using getArgValue.
    • Print the values of the flags and any trailing arguments.

To run this program, you would typically compile it to an executable and then run it from the command line. The exact commands may vary depending on your Standard ML implementation, but it might look something like this:

$ mlton command_line_flags.sml
$ ./command_line_flags --word=opt --numb=7 --fork --svar=flag extra1 extra2
word: opt
numb: 7
fork: true
svar: flag
tail: extra1 extra2

This implementation is much simpler than Go’s flag package and doesn’t include features like automatic help text generation or type checking for flag values. However, it demonstrates the basic concept of parsing command-line arguments in Standard ML.

Note that Standard ML doesn’t have a built-in boolean type, so we’re using strings “true” and “false” to represent boolean values. In a more robust implementation, you might want to add proper type checking and conversion for the different flag types.