Epoch in Standard ML
A common requirement in programs is getting the number of seconds, milliseconds, or nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. Here’s how to do it in Standard ML.
structure Time = Time
fun main () =
(* Use Time.now() to get the current time *)
val now = Time.now()
val _ = print (Time.toString now ^ "\n")
(* Convert to seconds since epoch *)
val seconds = Time.toSeconds now
val _ = print (LargeInt.toString seconds ^ "\n")
(* Convert to milliseconds since epoch *)
val milliseconds = Time.toMilliseconds now
val _ = print (LargeInt.toString milliseconds ^ "\n")
(* Convert to microseconds since epoch *)
val microseconds = Time.toMicroseconds now
val _ = print (LargeInt.toString microseconds ^ "\n")
(* Convert seconds back to Time *)
val time_from_seconds = Time.fromSeconds seconds
val _ = print (Time.toString time_from_seconds ^ "\n")
(* Convert microseconds back to Time *)
val time_from_microseconds = Time.fromMicroseconds microseconds
val _ = print (Time.toString time_from_microseconds ^ "\n")
val _ = main()
In this Standard ML code, we use the Time
structure to work with time-related operations. Here’s a breakdown of what the code does:
- We use
to get the current time. - We print the current time as a string using
. - We convert the time to seconds since the Unix epoch using
. - We convert the time to milliseconds since the Unix epoch using
. - We convert the time to microseconds since the Unix epoch using
. Note that Standard ML doesn’t have a built-in nanosecond precision, so we use microseconds instead. - We demonstrate how to convert seconds back to a
value usingTime.fromSeconds
. - We also show how to convert microseconds back to a
value usingTime.fromMicroseconds
To run this program, you would typically save it to a file (e.g., epoch.sml
) and then use an Standard ML interpreter or compiler to execute it. The exact command might vary depending on your Standard ML implementation, but it could look something like this:
$ sml epoch.sml
2023-05-10 12:34:56.789000
2023-05-10 12:34:56.000000
2023-05-10 12:34:56.789000
Note that the actual output will depend on the current time when you run the program.
Standard ML’s Time
structure provides a robust way to work with time and epochs, although it may not have the exact same functions as Go. The concepts, however, remain similar.