Sha256 Hashes in Standard ML

Here’s the translation of the SHA256 Hashes example to Standard ML:

(* SHA256 hashes are frequently used to compute short identities for binary
   or text blobs. For example, TLS/SSL certificates use SHA256
   to compute a certificate's signature. Here's how to compute
   SHA256 hashes in Standard ML. *)

(* Standard ML doesn't have a built-in SHA256 implementation in its standard library.
   We'll use the OpenSSL library via the MLton FFI for this example. *)

structure SHA256 =
    (* Declare the foreign function *)
    val sha256 : string -> string =
        _import "SHA256" : string -> string;

(* Main function *)
fun main () =
        val s = "sha256 this string"
        (* Compute the hash *)
        val hash = SHA256.sha256 s
        (* Convert the hash to a hexadecimal string *)
        fun byteToHex b = 
            String.format "%02x" [Word8.toInt (Word8.fromString b)]
        val hexHash = String.concat (map byteToHex (String.explode hash))
        print (s ^ "\n");
        print (hexHash ^ "\n")

(* Run the main function *)
val _ = main()

To run this program, you would need to compile it with MLton and link it against the OpenSSL library. Here’s an example of how you might compile and run it:

$ mlton -link-opt -lcrypto sha256-hashes.sml
$ ./sha256-hashes
sha256 this string

Note that Standard ML doesn’t have built-in support for cryptographic functions like SHA256. In a real-world scenario, you would typically use a cryptography library or implement the SHA256 algorithm yourself.

If you need cryptographically secure hashes, you should carefully research hash strength!