Channel Buffering in Swift

By default, Swift doesn't have built-in channels like Go. However, we can simulate a similar behavior using DispatchQueue and DispatchSemaphore. In this example, we'll create a buffered queue that can hold up to 2 values.

import Foundation

// Create a serial queue to ensure thread-safety
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.example.bufferedQueue")

// Create a semaphore with 2 available resources
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 2)

// Create an array to store our messages
var messages: [String] = []

// Function to send a message
func send(_ message: String) {
    semaphore.wait() // Decrement semaphore count
    queue.async {
        print("Sent: \(message)")

// Function to receive a message
func receive() -> String? {
    var result: String?
    queue.sync {
        if !messages.isEmpty {
            result = messages.removeFirst()
            semaphore.signal() // Increment semaphore count
    return result

// Main execution

// Receive and print messages
if let message1 = receive() {
    print("Received: \(message1)")
if let message2 = receive() {
    print("Received: \(message2)")

In this Swift code, we use a DispatchQueue to ensure thread-safety when accessing our message array. The DispatchSemaphore is used to limit the number of messages that can be sent to our buffered queue.

The send function adds a message to the queue, waiting if the queue is full (i.e., if the semaphore count is 0). The receive function removes and returns a message from the queue, if one is available.

To run this program, save it as BufferedQueue.swift and use the Swift compiler:

$ swift BufferedQueue.swift
Sent: buffered
Sent: queue
Received: buffered
Received: queue

This example demonstrates how to create a buffered queue in Swift that can accept a limited number of values without a corresponding receiver for those values, similar to buffered channels in other languages.