Exit in Swift

Here’s an idiomatic Swift example demonstrating the concept of program exit:

import Foundation

// This function will not be called when the program exits
func cleanupTask() {
    print("Cleaning up resources...")

// Register the cleanup function to be called when the program exits normally

print("Starting the program...")

// Simulate some condition that requires immediate exit
let shouldExit = true

if shouldExit {
    print("Exiting the program with status code 3")

print("This line will not be executed if we exit")

This Swift code demonstrates how to exit a program immediately with a specific status code. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

  1. We import the Foundation framework, which provides the exit() function.

  2. We define a cleanupTask() function that simulates cleaning up resources. This function is registered with atexit() to be called when the program exits normally.

  3. The exit() function is used to immediately terminate the program with a specified status code. In this case, we use status code 3.

  4. When exit() is called, the program terminates immediately. Any code after the exit() call will not be executed.

  5. Importantly, the cleanupTask() function registered with atexit() will not be called when using exit(). This is similar to how deferred functions in some other languages are not executed when forcefully exiting.

To run this program:

  1. Save the code in a file named ExitExample.swift.
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing the file.
  3. Compile and run the code using the Swift compiler:
$ swift ExitExample.swift
Starting the program...
Exiting the program with status code 3

To check the exit status in the terminal:

$ echo $?

This will display the exit status of the last executed command, which in this case is our Swift program.

Unlike some other languages, Swift doesn’t use the return value from the main() function to indicate the exit status. Instead, you should use the exit() function to set a non-zero exit status.

This example demonstrates how to handle program termination in Swift, which is particularly useful for command-line tools or scripts where you need to communicate the program’s exit status to the system or a parent process.