Channels in TypeScript

TypeScript doesn’t have built-in channels or goroutines like Go does. However, we can simulate similar behavior using Promises and async/await. Here’s an equivalent implementation:

async function main() {
    // Create a function that returns a Promise to simulate a channel
    function createChannel<T>(): { send: (value: T) => void, receive: () => Promise<T> } {
        let resolve: (value: T) => void;
        const promise = new Promise<T>(r => resolve = r);
        return {
            send: (value: T) => resolve(value),
            receive: () => promise

    // Create a new channel
    const messages = createChannel<string>();

    // Send a value into the channel using a setTimeout to simulate concurrency
    setTimeout(() => messages.send("ping"), 0);

    // Receive the value from the channel
    const msg = await messages.receive();


In this TypeScript example, we’re using a Promise-based approach to simulate channels:

  1. We define a createChannel function that returns an object with send and receive methods. This simulates the behavior of a channel.

  2. The main function is marked as async to allow the use of await.

  3. We create a “channel” using our createChannel function.

  4. To simulate sending a value into the channel from a different “goroutine”, we use setTimeout with a delay of 0. This schedules the send operation to occur on the next event loop iteration.

  5. We await the receive operation, which will resolve when a value is sent to the channel.

  6. Finally, we log the received message.

When we run this program, the “ping” message is successfully passed from one asynchronous operation to another via our simulated channel.

$ ts-node channels.ts

By using Promises and async/await, we’ve created a system where the receive operation naturally waits for the send operation to complete, similar to how channels work in Go. This allows us to coordinate asynchronous operations in a way that’s conceptually similar to Go’s channels, even though the underlying mechanism is quite different.

Remember that this is a simplified simulation and doesn’t capture all the nuances of Go’s channels, such as buffering or closing. For more complex scenarios, you might want to consider using a library that provides more complete channel-like abstractions for TypeScript.