Number Parsing in TypeScript

Parsing numbers from strings is a basic but common task in many programs; here’s how to do it in TypeScript.

// TypeScript doesn't have a built-in package for number parsing
// like Go's strconv, but we can use JavaScript's built-in functions

function main() {
    // With parseFloat, we don't need to specify precision
    const f = parseFloat("1.234");

    // parseInt takes a radix parameter, 10 for decimal
    const i = parseInt("123", 10);

    // parseInt will recognize hex-formatted numbers
    const d = parseInt("0x1c8", 16);

    // There's no direct equivalent to ParseUint, but we can use parseInt
    const u = parseInt("789", 10);

    // There's no direct equivalent to Atoi, but parseInt works similarly
    const k = parseInt("135", 10);

    // Parsing functions return NaN on bad input
    const badParse = parseInt("wat", 10);
    console.log(isNaN(badParse) ? "Invalid syntax" : badParse);


To run the program, save it as number-parsing.ts and use ts-node (assuming you have it installed):

$ ts-node number-parsing.ts
Invalid syntax

In TypeScript, we use JavaScript’s built-in parseFloat and parseInt functions for number parsing. Unlike Go’s strconv package, these functions don’t require importing any modules.

parseFloat is used for parsing floating-point numbers. It doesn’t require specifying precision as it uses JavaScript’s default number precision.

parseInt is used for parsing integers. It takes two arguments: the string to parse and the radix (base of the number system). For decimal numbers, we use radix 10. For hexadecimal numbers, we use radix 16.

TypeScript doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s ParseUint, but parseInt can be used for parsing unsigned integers as well.

There’s no direct equivalent to Go’s Atoi function, but parseInt with a radix of 10 serves the same purpose for parsing base-10 integers.

When parsing fails, these functions return NaN (Not-a-Number) instead of an error. We can use the isNaN function to check if parsing was successful.

Next, we’ll look at another common parsing task: URLs.