Environment variables are a universal mechanism for conveying configuration information to programs. Let’s look at how to set, get, and list environment variables in UnrealScript.
In UnrealScript, we don’t have direct access to system environment variables like in other languages. Instead, we can simulate this behavior by using class variables and custom functions.
To set a key/value pair, we use class variables. To get a value for a key, we simply access these variables. If a variable hasn’t been set, it will return an empty string.
To list all key/value pairs in the environment, we create a custom function that simulates this behavior. In this example, we’re using an array of strings to store our “environment variables”:
To run this in UnrealScript, you would typically call these functions from another class or script:
This would output something like:
Remember that in UnrealScript, we’re simulating environment variables. In a real UnrealScript environment, you would typically use configuration files or other UnrealEngine-specific methods to manage game settings and configurations.