Execing Processes in UnrealScript

Here’s the translation of the Go code to UnrealScript, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

Our example demonstrates how to execute external processes in UnrealScript. While UnrealScript doesn’t have a direct equivalent to the exec function, we can use the ConsoleCommand function to execute console commands, which can include system commands on some platforms.

class ExecExample extends Object;

function ExecProcess()
    local string Output;

    // In UnrealScript, we can't directly exec processes like in other languages.
    // However, we can use ConsoleCommand to execute console commands.
    // On some platforms, this might allow execution of system commands.
    // This is a hypothetical example and may not work on all systems
    Output = ConsoleCommand("ls -a -l -h");

    // Print the output
    `log("Command output: " $ Output);


In this UnrealScript example:

  1. We define a class ExecExample that extends Object.

  2. We create a function ExecProcess to demonstrate the concept.

  3. We use ConsoleCommand to execute a command. In this case, we’re trying to run “ls -a -l -h”, which is similar to the example in the original code. However, it’s important to note that this may not work on all systems or in all Unreal Engine environments.

  4. We store the output of the command in the Output variable.

  5. Finally, we log the output using the log macro.

To use this in an Unreal Engine game or application, you would typically call the ExecProcess function from elsewhere in your code, perhaps in response to a game event or user action.

It’s crucial to understand that UnrealScript and the Unreal Engine environment have significant differences from a general-purpose programming language. The ability to execute system commands is limited and depends on the platform and how the engine is configured. In many cases, for security reasons, you might not be able to execute arbitrary system commands.

For more complex scenarios involving external processes, you might need to use native code (C++) and the Unreal Engine’s plugin system, rather than pure UnrealScript.