Http Server in UnrealScript

Here’s the translation of the HTTP Server example from Go to UnrealScript, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

class HTTPServer extends Object;

// A fundamental concept in HTTP servers is handlers. In UnrealScript, we can
// implement this using functions that take request information and provide
// a response.

function HelloHandler(HTTPRequest Request, out string Response)
    // Functions serving as handlers take an HTTPRequest and provide a response.
    // Here our simple response is just "hello\n".
    Response = "hello\n";

function HeadersHandler(HTTPRequest Request, out string Response)
    // This handler does something a little more sophisticated by reading all
    // the HTTP request headers and echoing them into the response body.
    local string HeaderName, HeaderValue;
    foreach Request.Headers(HeaderName, HeaderValue)
        Response $= HeaderName $ ": " $ HeaderValue $ "\n";

function StartServer()
    local HTTPServer Server;

    // We register our handlers on server routes.
    Server = class'HTTPServer'.static.Create();
    Server.AddRoute("/hello", HelloHandler);
    Server.AddRoute("/headers", HeadersHandler);

    // Finally, we start the server on port 8090.


In UnrealScript, we don’t have built-in HTTP server functionality like Go’s net/http package. Instead, we’re simulating the concept using a hypothetical HTTPServer class. Here’s an explanation of the key differences and concepts:

  1. We define a class HTTPServer that extends Object.

  2. Instead of using http.HandlerFunc, we define functions that take an HTTPRequest parameter and provide a response as an out parameter.

  3. The HelloHandler and HeadersHandler functions simulate the behavior of the Go handlers. They process the request and generate a response.

  4. In the HeadersHandler, we use a foreach loop to iterate over the request headers, which is more idiomatic in UnrealScript than Go’s range-based for loop.

  5. The StartServer function simulates the main function in the Go example. It creates an HTTPServer instance, adds routes, and starts listening on a port.

  6. We use AddRoute to associate paths with handler functions, similar to http.HandleFunc in Go.

  7. The Listen method is used to start the server, similar to http.ListenAndServe in Go.

To run this server in UnrealScript, you would typically integrate it into your game or application logic, perhaps calling StartServer during initialization.

Note that this is a simplified representation, as UnrealScript doesn’t natively support HTTP servers. In a real UnrealScript project, you’d likely use engine-specific networking features or external plugins for HTTP functionality.