Non Blocking Channel Operations in UnrealScript

Our example demonstrates non-blocking operations in UnrealScript. While UnrealScript doesn’t have built-in channels or select statements like some other languages, we can simulate similar behavior using timers and event-driven programming.

class NonBlockingExample extends Actor;

var string Message;
var bool bSignal;

function BeginPlay()
    // Simulate non-blocking receive
    if (Message != "")
        `Log("Received message: " $ Message);
        `Log("No message received");

    // Simulate non-blocking send
    Message = "hi";
    if (TrySendMessage(Message))
        `Log("Sent message: " $ Message);
        `Log("No message sent");

    // Simulate multi-way non-blocking select
    if (Message != "")
        `Log("Received message: " $ Message);
    else if (bSignal)
        `Log("Received signal");
        `Log("No activity");

function bool TrySendMessage(string Msg)
    // Simulate a non-blocking send operation
    // In this example, we always return false to simulate a failed send
    return false;

In this UnrealScript example, we’re simulating non-blocking operations using conditional statements and a custom function.

  1. The first block simulates a non-blocking receive by checking if the Message variable has a value.

  2. The second block simulates a non-blocking send using a custom TrySendMessage function. In this example, the function always returns false to simulate a scenario where the message can’t be sent.

  3. The third block simulates a multi-way non-blocking select by checking both the Message and bSignal variables.

To run this code, you would typically place it in an UnrealScript file (e.g., NonBlockingExample.uc) within your Unreal Engine project. The BeginPlay function will be called automatically when an instance of this class is created in the game world.

Note that this is a simplified simulation of non-blocking operations. In a real UnrealScript scenario, you might use timers, latent functions, or event-driven programming to achieve more complex asynchronous behavior.