Range Over Channels in UnrealScript

Here’s the translated code and explanation in UnrealScript, formatted for Hugo:

Our first example demonstrates how to iterate over values received from a channel. In UnrealScript, we don’t have channels, but we can simulate similar behavior using arrays and foreach loops.

class ChannelIteration extends Object;

function Exec()
    local array<string> Queue;
    local string Elem;

    // We'll iterate over 2 values in the `Queue` array.
    Queue[0] = "one";
    Queue[1] = "two";

    // This foreach loop iterates over each element in `Queue`.
    // Because we've added two elements to the array, the iteration
    // will process these 2 elements.
    foreach Queue(Elem)


To run this code, you would typically place it in a script file within your UnrealScript project and execute it through the Unreal Engine environment.

This example shows how to iterate over a collection of items in UnrealScript. While UnrealScript doesn’t have built-in channels like some other languages, the foreach loop provides a similar functionality for iterating over arrays or other collections.

It’s worth noting that UnrealScript doesn’t have the concept of closing a collection like we might with channels in other languages. The iteration naturally terminates when all elements in the array have been processed.

This approach demonstrates a way to process a sequence of items one at a time, which can be useful in various game development scenarios, such as processing a queue of actions or events.