Reading Files in UnrealScript

Here’s the translation of the Go code to UnrealScript, with explanations in Markdown format suitable for Hugo:

Our first example demonstrates how to read files in UnrealScript. Reading files is a fundamental task for many UnrealScript programs. Let’s explore various methods of reading files.

class FileReader extends Object;

// This function will help us handle errors
function CheckError(bool bError)
    if (bError)
        `log("An error occurred while reading the file");

function ReadFile()
    local string FileContent;
    local array<string> FileLines;
    local int i;

    // Reading entire file contents at once
    if (class'FileManager'.static.ReadStringFromFile("/Game/Data/example.txt", FileContent))

    // Reading file line by line
    if (class'FileManager'.static.ReadStringArrayFromFile("/Game/Data/example.txt", FileLines))
        for (i = 0; i < FileLines.Length; i++)
            `log("Line" @ i @ ":" @ FileLines[i]);

    // Reading specific bytes from the file
    local array<byte> ByteArray;
    if (class'FileManager'.static.ReadBytesFromFile("/Game/Data/example.txt", ByteArray, 5))
        `log("First 5 bytes:" @ class'StringUtils'.static.BytesToString(ByteArray));

In UnrealScript, file operations are typically handled through the FileManager class. This class provides static methods for various file operations.

First, we demonstrate how to read an entire file’s contents into a string using ReadStringFromFile. This is equivalent to “slurping” a file’s contents in one go.

Next, we show how to read a file line by line using ReadStringArrayFromFile. This method reads the entire file and splits it into an array of strings, with each element representing a line in the file.

Finally, we demonstrate reading specific bytes from a file using ReadBytesFromFile. This allows us to read a specified number of bytes from the beginning of the file.

UnrealScript doesn’t provide built-in methods for seeking to specific positions in a file or for buffered reading. If you need such functionality, you might need to implement it yourself or use native code plugins.

To use this code, you would typically call the ReadFile function from another part of your UnrealScript code, such as a game mode or actor class.

Remember to replace “/Game/Data/example.txt” with the actual path to your file within the Unreal Engine project structure.

Note that error handling in UnrealScript is typically done through boolean return values from functions, rather than exceptions. Always check the return value of file operations to ensure they succeeded.