Sorting in UnrealScript

UnrealScript doesn’t have built-in sorting functions like Go’s slices package, so we’ll implement a basic bubble sort algorithm for demonstration purposes. We’ll also create a custom array type to simulate Go’s slice behavior.

class Sorting extends Object;

// Custom array type to simulate Go's slice behavior
struct StringArray
    var array<string> Data;

// Bubble sort function for strings
function SortStrings(out StringArray Arr)
    local int i, j;
    local string Temp;
    for (i = 0; i < Arr.Data.Length - 1; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < Arr.Data.Length - i - 1; j++)
            if (Arr.Data[j] > Arr.Data[j + 1])
                Temp = Arr.Data[j];
                Arr.Data[j] = Arr.Data[j + 1];
                Arr.Data[j + 1] = Temp;

// Bubble sort function for integers
function SortInts(out array<int> Arr)
    local int i, j, Temp;
    for (i = 0; i < Arr.Length - 1; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < Arr.Length - i - 1; j++)
            if (Arr[j] > Arr[j + 1])
                Temp = Arr[j];
                Arr[j] = Arr[j + 1];
                Arr[j + 1] = Temp;

// Check if an array is sorted
function bool IsSorted(array<int> Arr)
    local int i;
    for (i = 0; i < Arr.Length - 1; i++)
        if (Arr[i] > Arr[i + 1])
            return false;
    return true;

// Main function to demonstrate sorting
function ExecuteSorting()
    local StringArray Strs;
    local array<int> Ints;
    local bool S;

    // Sorting strings
    Strs.Data[0] = "c";
    Strs.Data[1] = "a";
    Strs.Data[2] = "b";
    `log("Strings: " $ GetStringArrayAsString(Strs));

    // Sorting integers
    Ints[0] = 7;
    Ints[1] = 2;
    Ints[2] = 4;
    `log("Ints:    " $ GetIntArrayAsString(Ints));

    // Check if sorted
    S = IsSorted(Ints);
    `log("Sorted:  " $ S);

// Helper function to convert StringArray to string for logging
function string GetStringArrayAsString(StringArray Arr)
    local int i;
    local string Result;

    Result = "[";
    for (i = 0; i < Arr.Data.Length; i++)
        if (i > 0)
            Result $= " ";
        Result $= Arr.Data[i];
    Result $= "]";
    return Result;

// Helper function to convert int array to string for logging
function string GetIntArrayAsString(array<int> Arr)
    local int i;
    local string Result;

    Result = "[";
    for (i = 0; i < Arr.Length; i++)
        if (i > 0)
            Result $= " ";
        Result $= string(Arr[i]);
    Result $= "]";
    return Result;

This UnrealScript code demonstrates sorting for strings and integers. Here’s a breakdown of the implementation:

  1. We define a custom StringArray struct to simulate Go’s slice behavior for strings.
  2. We implement bubble sort algorithms for both strings (SortStrings) and integers (SortInts).
  3. The IsSorted function checks if an integer array is already in sorted order.
  4. The ExecuteSorting function demonstrates the usage of these sorting functions.
  5. Helper functions GetStringArrayAsString and GetIntArrayAsString are used to convert arrays to strings for logging purposes.

To use this code in Unreal Engine, you would typically place it in a custom class and call the ExecuteSorting function when needed. The results would be logged to the Unreal Engine log.

Note that UnrealScript doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s fmt.Println, so we use the log macro (represented as `log) for output.

When executed, this code would produce output similar to:

Strings: [a b c]
Ints:    [2 4 7]
Sorted:  true

This example demonstrates basic sorting functionality in UnrealScript, although it’s worth noting that for more complex sorting needs in a real game scenario, you might want to use more efficient sorting algorithms or leverage built-in UnrealScript functions if available.